Wednesday, June 4, 2008

birthday celebrations

On Saturday, April 26, my friend Mel had her 20th birthday. The plan was to have a dessert party that evening at her sister's house (soon to be her house after her sister graduates in June). Early that afternoon, we went to Morrison's to buy ingredients for a variety of cookies, cakes, etc. as well as enough ice cream to go around. Then we headed over to the Park St. house to bake.

After baking, Mel assumed that we would just see her later that night at her party when, in reality, Harks and I had planned a surprise cream tea picnic for her in the cathedral and invited all our friends! Corrie took Mel for a "birthday coffee" in order to get her to the cathedral at the right time and the rest of us set up the picnic. Mel was thoroughly surprised and we had a great couple of hours sunning, playing around, drinking tea, and eating scones with clotted cream in the grass.

Later, on our way back to hall, we stopped at Castle Sands and several of us ended up taking a dip in the freezing cold North Sea! I avoided the water by appointing myself official photographer of the event, and that ended up being a good decision because I didn't have to waddle back to New Hall in soaking wet, cold clothing. :)

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