Wednesday, June 4, 2008

how I spent my Thursday mornings...

Every Thursday morning throughout the semester, I went to the Baptist Church on South Street to help babysit adorable toddlers, called "creche", while their mothers had a Bible study in the building next-door. My co-babysitters were fellow students, mostly 4th years, one post-grad student getting her Master's in Medieval English, and one first year who started coming in the last couple weeks. Those two hours every Thursday were such a nice break - mentally and emotionally, though not physically since the kids give you quite a little work-out! It was so much fun to play with babies and toddlers, reading stories, running around, coloring, etc. And my fellow sitters were wonderful girls with whom I became friends and hung out with outside of creche. I bonded so much with those girls and our cute kids, and I'll miss them very much next semester.

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